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Summer School program in Munich, Germany: 25 days: Living costs, travel, accommodation covered by NIM

Deadline: 15 March 2015
Open to: students from all over the world except Germany
Venue: July 3 – 28 August 2015, Munich, Germany


The Nanosystems Initiative Munich (NIM) is a German research cluster in the field of nano sciences. It is one of the excellence clusters being funded within the German Excellence Initiative of the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft.
The 2015 program will run from July 3 until August 28, 2015.
Scientific education is not the only intent of the program, since the students can also experience German culture and life-style. A supporting program will be organized with weekend trips to touristic destinations and other informal activities.


For the NIM Summer Research Program 2015 applications are welcome from excellent students in the natural sciences or engineering, with a strong interest in nanosciences. We accept students from all over the world except Germany. Female students are especially encouraged to apply.
To be eligible, applicants are expected to:
  • do their Master’s Studies (PhD students are not eligible).
  • provide evidence of excellent academic records.
  • plan to pursue a PhD in the nanosciences.
  • provide proof of successfully completed TOEFL, IELTS…
  • be willing to perform full-time research, sometimes with late night and weekend work.
  • participate in the supporting program (i.e. weekend trips, seminars).


  • Registration: € 100
  • Accommodation covered by NIM
Participants can apply for NIM scholarships (to be used for travel and living expenses).


Application deadline is 15 March 2015.
To apply, please use the electronic application HERE.
For more information visit the official website HERE.

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