Ағылшын тілін үйрену: Good Morning

Ағылшын тілін үйрену Good Morning сөзімен басталады.

Ағылшын тілін үйренгенде алғашқы сөз, сөйлемнің бірі ретінде Good morning дегенді үйренеміз.

Көбінесе балалар әндерін естіп, тыңдап, қайталап жүрген боларсыздар.

Ал мына ән жастарды да, ересектерді де қызықтырары сөзсіз. Сонымен видеоны көріп, сөзін қайталап, жақсы көңіл-күйде болыңыздар.

«Good Morning»

[Originally Written for Garland & Rooney’s 1939 film, Babes In Arms]

Words by Arthur Freed

Music by Nacio Herb Brown


Good mornin’, good mornin’!

We’ve danced the whole night through,

good mornin’, good mornin’ to you.

Good mornin’, good mornin’!

It’s great to stay up late,

good mornin’, good mornin’ to you.

When the band began to play

the sun was shinin’ bright.

Now the milkman’s on his way,

it’s too late to say goodnight.

So, good mornin’, good mornin’!

Sunbeams will soon smile through,

good mornin’, my darlin’, to you.

Here we are together,

a couple of stand-uppers.

Our day is done, breakfast time

starts with our supper.

Here we are together,

ah, but the best of friends must party.

So let me sing this party song

from the bottom of my hearty.

Good morning, it’s a lovely morning.

Good morning, what a wonderful day.

We danced the whole night through.

Good morning, good morning to you.

I said good morning, see the sun is shinin’.

Good morning, hear the birdies sing.

It’s great to stay up late.

Good mornin’, good mornin’ to you.

When the band began to play

the stars were shinin’ bright.

Now the milkman’s on his way,

it’s too late to say goodnight.

Good morning, good morning!

Sunbeams will soon smile through.

Good mornin’, good morning’,

Good mornin’, my darlin’, to you!


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